Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)
- 1.1.
- File - Bolasepak Pro League From:
- 2.1.
- File - Prriiitttt From:
- 3.1.
- File - Senarai Web & Group From:
- 4a.
- United seal Berbatov swoop From: Mohammad Nazri
- 4b.
- Re: United seal Berbatov swoop From: PD Niaga
- 4c.
- Re: United seal Berbatov swoop From: Mohammad Nazri
- 4d.
- Re: United seal Berbatov swoop From: Mohd Fazil
- 4e.
- Re: United seal Berbatov swoop From: Mohd Hafiz Abd Razak
- 4f.
- Re: United seal Berbatov swoop From: PD Niaga
- 4g.
- Re: United seal Berbatov swoop From: Mohammad Nazri
- 4h.
- Re: United seal Berbatov swoop From: Mohd Fazil
- 4i.
- Re: United seal Berbatov swoop From: Mohammad Nazri
- 5a.
- Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal From: Mohammad Nazri
- 5b.
- RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32 From: PD Niaga
- 5c.
- RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32 From: Mohammad Nazri
- 5d.
- RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32 From: PD Niaga
- 5e.
- RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32 From: Mohd Hafiz Abd Razak
- 1.1.
File - Bolasepak Pro League
Posted by: ""
Mon Sep 1, 2008 6:37 am (PDT)
Marilah kita beramai-ramai menyertai Liga Fantasi group Bolasepak. Ianya PERCUMA !!!. Takkan tak berminat nak menjadi manager beb !!!
Cara Untuk Menyertai
1. Masuk website ni http://fantasy.premierleague. com/
2. Klik "Register"
3. Masukkan segala data
4. Selepas tu log-in masukan User name & password
5. Anda akan menerima 100 juta pound sterling untuk membeli 15 pemain dari mana-mana kelab EPL
6. Klik "Submit"
7. Untuk menyertai Liga . Klik "Manage League" di sebelah kanan dan masukkan code 122760-30824 untuk menyertai "Private League" kita (Bolasepak Pro League)
8. Kita boleh mengubah dan melihat ranking di "League" samada naik atau turun.
Selamat berjaya menjadi "Manager". Jangan lupa membaca "Term & Condition"
Nota: Kepada mereka yang pernah mendaftar sebelum ini, boleh menggunakan akaun anda semula. Cuma pernah dikemaskini.
- 2.1.
File - Prriiitttt
Posted by: ""
Mon Sep 1, 2008 6:37 am (PDT)
Prriiitttt.....baca dulu beb
Dah kena KAD KUNING ?. Tak boleh post mesej ?. Ha... dah cakap jangan main kasar, nak jugak main kasar. Moderator dah cakap hantar citer bola jer, yang korang pi hantar email skim la, iklan la.. ishh.. kan dah tak boleh post. Nasib baik tak kena kad merah. Kalau kena langsung tak boleh masuk group dah kena ban.
Pada kengkawan group yang tak perlu ditapis mesej/email, pasal moderator dah beri KEPERCAYAAN kat korang, janganlah cuba hantar email selain bola. Group ni group bola, kita citer bola la yer. Kang tak pasal2 kena amaran ditarik keistimewaan tanpa melalui tapisan moderator.
Orang baru yang join group Bolasepak ni memang kena tapis la email yang memula. Takper nanti korang pun boleh post terus tanpa penapisan moderator. Dapatkan KEPERCAYAAN moderator dulu.
Yang dah kena kad kuning tu, boleh email ke Bolasepak-owner@yahoogroups. kalau nak main balik kat dalam ni. Mungkin korang tak sengaja atau cuba2, manalah tahu moderator baik hati... lepaskan email atau dah terlepas.. hehehe. Takkan korang tak tahu KEPUTUSAN PENGADIL ADALAH
Okeyla, takmo citer panjang2, nanti korang boring pulak. Kita citer bola, main bola, minum bola, makan bola, tido bola, bini bola ??? HaaHH . Habis laki tak bola ??. HAHAHAHA. Okeyla gua blah dulu... korang jangan blah pulak.. nanti Moderator citer bola sorang2... macam ni tak boleh jadi ....blah..blah ...blah
- 3.1.
File - Senarai Web & Group
Posted by: ""
Mon Sep 1, 2008 6:37 am (PDT)
Senarai Web:
Kad Kahwin -
Pengiklanan PERCUMA -
Kad Nama Online -
Koleksi Lirik Lagu - http://www.liriklagu.interniaga. com
Blog, Video & MP3 - http://www.pdniaga.multiply. com
Kad IPC Shopping -
PD Niaga Blog - http://pdniaga-blog.blogspot. com
Jana Iklan
Senarai Group & Keahlian Melalui Email:
1. automobil-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/automobil
2. HitZ-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/HitZ
3. pdniaga-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/pdniaga
4. dunia-politik-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com group/dunia- politik
5. bolasepak-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/bolasepak
6. auto-chat-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/auto- chat
7. ArenaPC-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/ArenaPC
8. pd-net-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/pd- net
9. interniaga-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/interniaga
10. EBuku2-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/EBuku2U
10. JanaIklan-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/JanaIklan
===================== ========= ========= ===
JanaIklan-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/JanaIklan
Kami muncul dengan Konsep Yang Pertama di Malaysia dalam perkhidmatan pengiklanan. Di sini, iklan Anda berpotensi dibaca oleh 100,000 orang atau lebih tanpa batasan !!! Iklan anda akan tersiar lebih banyak berbanding lain-lain jenis pengiklanan. Setiap downline anda akan turut mempromosikan iklan anda. Ianya tidak terdapat dilaman web iklan yang lain di Malaysia, hanya di http://www.JanaIklan.Com.
Menggunakan Sistem Network Matrix 2 X 12 Level yang akan memastikan iklan anda dibaca oleh ribuan orang orang setiap saat, setiap masa !
Anda berpeluang meraih pendapatan sehingga RM 24,570.00 dengan hanya membawa masuk 2 orang untuk menyertai http://www.JanaIklan.Com !
Jana Pendapatan Sehingga RM24,570.00
Klik di sini... http://www.JanaIklan.Com .
===================== ========= ========= ===
automobil-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/automobil
Semua email diterima dalam bahasa Malaysia dan English .
Email groups untuk mengiklankan senarai jual-beli berkenaan barangan automobil yang baru dan terpakai seperti kereta, motorsikal, alat ganti dan aksesori.
Ahli groups dialukan untuk menghantar email berbentuk pertanyaan , artikel, tips dan sebagainya berkenaan industri automobil.
Hantarkan apa sahaja yang berkaitan dengan kereta. Tentang teknologi kereta, perkembangan industri automobil dan pembekal, tips tentang ubahsuai kereta, perkembangan model kereta terbaharu di serata dunia, serta diskusi tentang apa jua aspek berkaitan dengan industri automobil tempatan .
Juga kepada kaki-kaki modified kereta dan sesiapa sahaja,berbincang dan bertukar-tukar fikiran dalam usaha memartabatkan industri automobil di Malaysia.
Disamping bertujuan utk berkenalan dan bertukar fikiran tentang pengalaman anda bagaimana anda mengubah-suai sesebuah kereta dan tempat untuk peminat-peminat kereta nak cari barang, cari kereta baru atau terpakai, maklumat, berkongsi maklumat.
Juga tentang tip penjagaan, penyelenggaraan dan ubahsuai kereta.
===================== ========= ========= ===
HitZ-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/HitZ
Group ini dibina untuk membolehkan rakan-rakan berhubung dengan ramai kawan, bertukar idea tentang muzik dan infomasi dunia hiburan dan apa saja cerita artis.
Peminat-peminat filem Malaysia dijemput untuk bertukar-tukar pendapat dan berkongsi pengetahuan anda.
Anda juga boleh berkongsi lirik-lirik lagu, chord guitar/keyboard/bass atau fail midi bagi lagu-lagu pujaan dari Malaysia. Sesiapa yang bermurah hati untuk berkongsi lirik dan chord lagu, boleh terus post.
Anda juga boleh menukar atau mencari lagu-lagu melayu dalam format mp3.
===================== ========= ========= ===
pdniaga-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/pdniaga
Wakil jualan kad kahwin serendah 39 SEN (KAD + CETAK + PENGHANTARAN) sekeping diperlukan diseluruh Malaysia.
Urusniaga dilakukan dengan menggunakan email/internet.
Margin keuntungan diantara RM25.00 hingga RM250.00 untuk setiap tempahan (bergantung kepada kuantiti dan jenis kad).
Pendaftaran dan contoh kad kahwin dikenakan bayaran sebanyak RM120.00 (sample kad pelbagai corak dan warna) sebagai permulaan.
TIDAK PERLU mesin pencetak atau membuat stok kad kahwin, cuma contoh kad sahaja untuk memulakan perniagaan.
Tiada risiko kerugian kerana hanya sebagai agen dan modal adalah rendah iaitu modal pusingan bergantung kepada tempahan yang anda diterima.
Sila hubungi untuk maklumat lanjut.
Hubungi Kami:
PD NET Enterprise
75 Jalan Mahajaya Centre Point, 71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus.
Tel/Fax: 06-646 3195
Laman Web:
===================== ========= ========= ===
dunia-politik-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com group/dunia- politik
Mari memperkatakan tentang politik di Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapura,Brunei dan negara Islam diseluruh dunia .
Semoga bermanfaat kepada kita semua .
===================== ========= ========= ===
bolasepak-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/bolasepak
Group ini dibuka untuk semua peminat bolasepak tempatan (M-League) mahupun luarnegara. Disini anda bebas memberikan pendapat, kritikan, pandangan dan apa saja asalkan ia adalah mengenai "BOLASEPAK". Email selain dari sukan bolasepak boleh menyebabkan anda dikenakan KAD KUNING atau MERAH dari group ini !!!.
Dapatkan berita terkini,jadual,keputusan dan kedudukan pasukan serta statistik perlawanan dalam Liga Malaysia, England, Itali, Sepanyol, Jerman, Belanda dan sebagainya. Di sini juga kita boleh mengulas/membicarak an secara terperinci fakta2 perlawanan yang melibatkan pasukan yang diminati.
Samada anda penyokong pasukan negeri Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Sarawak, Sabah Brunei ataupun penyokong pasukan-pasukan kelab yang semakin menyengat seperti Johor FC, MPPJ Selangor,JKR Kedah, PKNS Selangor, Public Bank Selangor, MK LAnd Selangor, Telekom Melaka, TNB Kelantan, JKR Kelantan, SKMK Kelantan, pasukan Polis Tentera dan lain-lain lagi, anda semua dialukan.
Bersama memeriahkan bolasepak kita!
===================== ========= ========= ===
auto-chat-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/auto- chat
Group alternatif dari Automobil Email Group yang lebih umum dan global. Disini anda boleh berkenalan, berkongsi maklumat, berbincang masalah dan lain-lain lagi yang tidak dapat dibincangkan di Automobil Group.
===================== ========= ========= ===
ArenaPC-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/ArenaPC
Assalamualaikum serta salam sejahtera.
Pelbagai topik mengenai komputer boleh diketengahkan untuk panduan ahli group yang ingin mendapatkan keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai komputer. Tutorial bagaimana sesebuah komputer berfungsi, tips berguna serta troubleshooting, atau lebih spesifik, asalkan ia menyentuh perkara berkaitan komputer. Selain itu anda boleh menghantar artikel yang bersesuaian untuk tatapan kita bersama.
Tempat berjualbeli segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan hardware, komputer baru mahupun notebook dan. (Untuk semua barang yang ditawarkan, harap dijelaskan dengan lengkap dan disertakan harga penawarannya).
Disini juga tempat untuk menurunkan dan mengajarkan ilmu tentang komputer dan IT. Sesiapa yang ada ilmu harap dapat menurunkan ilmu disini dan sesiapa yang hendakkan ilmu jangan malu-malu untuk bertanya.
===================== ========= ========= ===
pd-net-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/pd- net
Email groups khas untuk member khususnya Port Dickson dan kepada yang berminat mencari rakan atau maklumat tentang Negeri Sembilan . Egroups ini membenarkan segala artikel dan gambar kecuali yang berunsur lucah , perkauman , hasutan dan lain - lain yang bertentangan dengan agama dan undang - undang . Politik , hiburan , berita , sukan , lirik lagu , gambar dan apa saja boleh di bincangkan . Semoga bermanfaat kepada kita semua .
===================== ========= ========= ===
interniaga-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/interniaga
Selamat Datang Ke Ruang Iklan Secara Percuma Yang Membolehkan Anda Mengiklankan Apa sahaja.
Salam Sejahtera! Tujuan groups ini diwujudkan utk memberi peluang pengguna internet semua yang mana terlibat dengan segala macam perniagaan untuk mengiklankan perniagaan mereka. Iklankan apa sahaja perniagaan internet, jualan langsung,perniagaan prepaid, Multi level marketing,barang utk dijual dan apa sahaja. Disini anda boleh untuk mengiklankan apa saja peluang-peluang perniagaan perniagaan/business samada local atau international untuk ditawarkan kepada mereka yang berminat.
* Menjual Produk * Perkhidmatan * MLM * Internet Business * Traffic * Pengumuman * Peluang Perniagaan * Jual/Beli Produk Perkhidmatan *
1. Adult material
3. Virus/Worm
Segala kerugian dan sebagainya akibat dari iklan -iklan disiarkan, Moderator tidak boleh dipersalahkan/dipertanggungjaw abkan. Selain iklan, notis,jual,beli dan sebagainya boleh juga dihantar
Hantarlah apa saja barangan yang ingin dijual melalui email cukup mudah dan pantas hanya menaip dan klik dengan komputer anda.
Setiap ahli dibenarkan menghantar hanya 1 email setiap hari.
Terima kasih kerana menjadi ahli group ini. Selamat beriklan dan semoga anda berjaya dalam perniagaan.
===================== ========= ========= ===
EBuku2-subscribe@yahoogroups. com group/EBuku2U
Koleksi Ebook Percuma:
> E-Shop InterNiaga.Com
Senarai harga barangan komputer, web hosting, rekabentuk laman web & harga pengiklanan.
===================== ========= ========= ===
- 4a.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "Mohammad Nazri"
Mon Sep 1, 2008 7:04 pm (PDT)
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< >09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008_1161905. jpg
Berbatov: Done deal
Related links
* Manchester United < >team/0,19734, 11667,00. html
* Tottenham Hotspur < >team/0,19734, 11675,00. html
Also see
* Transfer Centre < >transfer_ centre
* Clockwatch < >transfer_ clockwatch/ 0,,14896, 00.html
* Papers < >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
* Betting < >action=GoEvType& id=10003041& aff=2406& SS_SE
* Fantasy Football < >tball
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
This message may contain confidential and privileged information for its intended recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination and distribution, printing or copying of this message or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Please delete the entire message and inform the sender of the error. Any opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further, RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made to the information or the effect thereto. - 4b.
Re: United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "PD Niaga" pdniaga
Mon Sep 1, 2008 10:02 pm (PDT)
Makin power la MU taun ni
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with
Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< 09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008
_1161905.jpg> Dimitar Berbatov leaves medical 2008
Berbatov: Done deal
Related links
* Manchester
< > Unitedteam/0,19734, 11667,00. html
* Tottenham
< > Hotspurteam/0,19734, 11675,00. html
Also see
* Transfer Centre < >transfer_ centre
* Clockwatch
< >transfer_ clockwatch/ 0,,14896, 00.html
* Papers
< >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
* Betting
< >action=GoEvType& id=10003041& aff=2406& SS_SE
* Fantasy Football < >tball
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with
Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.14/1646 - Release Date: 9/1/2008
6:03 PM
- 4c.
Re: United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "Mohammad Nazri"
Mon Sep 1, 2008 11:25 pm (PDT)
Elehhh...dengan team russia pun leh kalah......kekekekekekee....
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Makin power la MU taun ni
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< >09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008_1161905. jpg
Berbatov: Done deal
Related links
* Manchester United < >team/0,19734, 11667,00. html
* Tottenham Hotspur < >team/0,19734, 11675,00. html
Also see
* Transfer Centre < >transfer_ centre
* Clockwatch < >transfer_ clockwatch/ 0,,14896, 00.html
* Papers < >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
* Betting < >action=GoEvType& id=10003041& aff=2406& SS_SE
* Fantasy Football < >tball
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
This message may contain confidential and privileged information for its intended recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination and distribution, printing or copying of this message or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Please delete the entire message and inform the sender of the error. Any opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further, RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made to the information or the effect thereto.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.14/1646 - Release Date: 9/1/2008 6:03 PM
This message may contain confidential and privileged information for its intended recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination and distribution, printing or copying of this message or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Please delete the entire message and inform the sender of the error. Any opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further, RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made to the information or the effect thereto. - 4d.
Re: United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "Mohd Fazil"
Tue Sep 2, 2008 12:06 am (PDT)
Yg ini mmg ape eh namenye..kenit ke ape..kehkehkeh..pon x boleh
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Elehhh.dengan team russia pun leh kalah..kekekekekekee..
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Makin power la MU taun ni
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with
Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< 09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008
_1161905.jpg> Dimitar Berbatov leaves medical 2008
Berbatov: Done deal
Related links
* Manchester
< > Unitedteam/0,19734, 11667,00. html
* Tottenham
< > Hotspurteam/0,19734, 11675,00. html
Also see
* Transfer Centre < >transfer_ centre
* Clockwatch
< >transfer_ clockwatch/ 0,,14896, 00.html
* Papers
< >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
* Betting
< >action=GoEvType& id=10003041& aff=2406& SS_SE
* Fantasy < > Footballtball
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with
Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
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Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage
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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.14/1646 - Release Date: 9/1/2008
6:03 PM
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- 4e.
Re: United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "Mohd Hafiz Abd Razak"
Tue Sep 2, 2008 12:16 am (PDT)
Zenit st Petersburgh martin skrtel dulu tu beb ...
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohd Fazil
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Yg ini mmg ape eh namenye..kenit ke ape..kehkehkeh..pon x boleh mkn...
Confidential/Privileged information may be contained in this email. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not copy, distribute or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its contents to any other person. Please notify the sender immediately if you receive this in error.
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Elehhh...dengan team russia pun leh kalah......kekekekekekee....
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Makin power la MU taun ni
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< >09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008_1161905. jpg
Berbatov: Done deal
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* Papers < >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
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Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
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Re: United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "PD Niaga" pdniaga
Tue Sep 2, 2008 12:18 am (PDT)
Ala nak kasi panas tak panas2
Kat sana sejuk la
Rooney punya body pun cool jer
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Elehhh dengan team russia pun leh kalah kekekekekekee.
Cehhh cehhhh..cehhhh
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Makin power la MU taun ni
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with
Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< 09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008
_1161905.jpg> Dimitar Berbatov leaves medical 2008
Berbatov: Done deal
Related links
* Manchester
< > Unitedteam/0,19734, 11667,00. html
* Tottenham
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< >transfer_ clockwatch/ 0,,14896, 00.html
* Papers
< >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
* Betting
< >action=GoEvType& id=10003041& aff=2406& SS_SE
* Fantasy Football < >tball
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with
Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
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- 4g.
Re: United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "Mohammad Nazri"
Tue Sep 2, 2008 12:39 am (PDT) kenit...lepas tuh ada pulak sorang player setanmerah.. nak score..tapi pakai tangan...wakakakaka kakka..terus dihumban kuar padang...wakakakaka kakakaa.. ...
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohd Fazil
Sent: 02 September 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Yg ini mmg ape eh namenye..kenit ke ape..kehkehkeh..pon x boleh mkn...
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_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Elehhh...dengan team russia pun leh kalah......kekekekekekee....
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Makin power la MU taun ni
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< >09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008_1161905. jpg
Berbatov: Done deal
Related links
* Manchester United < >team/0,19734, 11667,00. html
* Tottenham Hotspur < >team/0,19734, 11675,00. html
Also see
* Transfer Centre < >transfer_ centre
* Clockwatch < >transfer_ clockwatch/ 0,,14896, 00.html
* Papers < >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
* Betting < >action=GoEvType& id=10003041& aff=2406& SS_SE
* Fantasy Football < >tball
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
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Re: United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "Mohd Fazil"
Tue Sep 2, 2008 12:42 am (PDT)
Dah la..kesian die.dah tue lompat dah x sampai..
Ni villa ngan Gomez ape maner..
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop kenit.lepas tuh ada pulak sorang player
setanmerah..nak score..tapi pakai tangan.wakakakakaka kka..terus dihumban
kuar padang.wakakakakakakakaa...
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohd Fazil
Sent: 02 September 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Yg ini mmg ape eh namenye..kenit ke ape..kehkehkeh..pon x boleh
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From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Elehhh.dengan team russia pun leh kalah..kekekekekekee..
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Makin power la MU taun ni
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with
Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< 09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008
_1161905.jpg> Dimitar Berbatov leaves medical 2008
Berbatov: Done deal
Related links
* Manchester
< > Unitedteam/0,19734, 11667,00. html
* Tottenham
< > Hotspurteam/0,19734, 11675,00. html
Also see
* Transfer Centre < >transfer_ centre
* Clockwatch
< >transfer_ clockwatch/ 0,,14896, 00.html
* Papers
< >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
* Betting
< >action=GoEvType& id=10003041& aff=2406& SS_SE
* Fantasy < > Footballtball
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with
Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
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- 4i.
Re: United seal Berbatov swoop
Posted by: "Mohammad Nazri"
Tue Sep 2, 2008 1:04 am (PDT)
Villa mana?aston villa atau david villa?
Atau villa kat Cameron highland????ekkekekekekekee
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohd Fazil
Sent: 02 September 2008 3:43 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dah la..kesian die...dah tue lompat dah x sampai..
Ni villa ngan Gomez ape maner..
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_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop kenit...lepas tuh ada pulak sorang player setanmerah.. nak score..tapi pakai tangan...wakakakaka kakka..terus dihumban kuar padang...wakakakaka kakakaa.. ...
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohd Fazil
Sent: 02 September 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Yg ini mmg ape eh namenye..kenit ke ape..kehkehkeh..pon x boleh mkn...
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_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Elehhh...dengan team russia pun leh kalah......kekekekekekee....
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: United seal Berbatov swoop
Makin power la MU taun ni
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: United seal Berbatov swoop
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
United seal Berbatov swoop
Last updated: 2nd September 2008
< >09/800x600/ Dimitar-Berbatov -leaves-medical- 2008_1161905. jpg
Berbatov: Done deal
Related links
* Manchester United < >team/0,19734, 11667,00. html
* Tottenham Hotspur < >team/0,19734, 11675,00. html
Also see
* Transfer Centre < >transfer_ centre
* Clockwatch < >transfer_ clockwatch/ 0,,14896, 00.html
* Papers < >papertalk/ 0,,12709, 00.html
* Betting < >action=GoEvType& id=10003041& aff=2406& SS_SE
* Fantasy Football < >tball
Dimitar Berbatov has joined Manchester United in a £30.75million deal, with Fraizer Campbell joining Tottenham Hotspur on a season-long loan.
More to follow...
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- 5a.
Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
Posted by: "Mohammad Nazri"
Mon Sep 1, 2008 7:11 pm (PDT)
Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
By Soccernet staff
Updated: September 2, 2008, 12:26 AM UK
* Comment < >conversations/ show/story/ snet-568724
* Email < >news/story? id=568724& sec=england& cc=4716##
* Print < >print?id= 568724&type= story&cc= 4716
Manchester City have completed the British record £32.5million signing of Robinho with just minutes to go in the transfer window.
< |3.0|605|1181107|adlink 0|170|ADTECH; loc=300;key= england+story+ eng1+382+ ASIA;kvsection= england;kvpagety pe=story; kvleague= eng1;kvclub= 382;kvcc= ASIA;grp= 7464867>
He has signed a four-year contract at the City of Manchester Stadium.
Manager Mark Hughes told the club's official website tonight: 'I am absolutely delighted to get the opportunity to work with such an incredible talent like Robinho. I have said that in order to compete with the best teams in the Premier League we have to be in the market for players of this calibre, and Robinho is undoubtedly one of the best players in the world.
'I am really looking forward to introducing him to the rest of the squad, and to the City fans at the earliest opportunity. This is a real statement of intent as to the ambitions of Manchester City Football Club.
Robinho will be in line to make his City debut against, of all clubs, Chelsea after the international break.
It follows bids earlier in the day for Dimitar Berbatov, David Villa and Mario Gomez.
The Brazilian claimed he wanted to move to England at a press conference yesterday and also criticised Real coach Bernd Schuster for denying him the chance to move to Chelsea. However, London will not be his next destination.
Sources suggest that Real were determined not to sell the Brazilian forward to Chelsea but were happy to deal once the Eastlands side moved in.
Chelsea had been tracking the player all summer and will be furious to lose out to another English club.
Rather than find himself marooned at the Bernabeu until January was prepared to move to the Premier League with Mark Hughes' side.
Real Madrid's decision to accept City's offer for Robinho was made for both 'sporting and human' reasons, the Spanish club's president Ramon Calderon has said.
'We have sold Robinho for reasons of a human nature and for sporting reasons. The fact that he has accepted an offer from Manchester City says that he is not going for sporting reasons,' Calderon told Spanish television station Veo.
'It's an important sum of money. It's not the objective of Real Madrid to sell players, neither do we need the money, but for reasons of human and sporting nature, it has been decided this is for the best.
'It's a decision agreed by all the coaching staff, who understand it is best for the player and for the club.
'(Coach Bernd) Schuster thought until yesterday that he could recover the player, but that has not been the case. Every time I have spoken with him he was very sad, crying and asking to leave Spain. Real Madrid are more important than any one player.
'He's a great kid, but badly advised.'
Robinho burst on to the scene as an 18-year-old when he helped Santos win their first Brazilian championship in 2002.
His trickery, skills and physique led to comparisons with former Santos great Pele and eventually attracted the attention of Real Madrid.
Robinho pressured Santos for a move to Real and after a lengthy tug-of-war transfer saga, the Brazilian club relented and agreed to sell the player to the Spanish giants in August 2005.
Classed as the new Galactico when he arrived at the club, Robinho made a dazzling debut as a substitute in the 2-1 victory over Cadiz in the opening game of the season but then went on to struggle for the remainder of his first campaign in Europe.
He won his first Spanish league title under coach Fabio Capello in 2007, but often featured as a substitute and only really took off last season when he helped Real to their second consecutive championship, scoring 11 goals in 32 outings.
Robinho is a regular in the Brazilian national side and played an instrumental role in their triumph in the 2007 Copa America, finishing as the tournament's top scorer with six goals.
City's fortunes were transformed this morning when Abu Dhabi United Group announced they had agreed in principal to buy the club from Thaksin Shinawatra, who will remain on the club's board as a shareholder and honorary president.
Prospective new Manchester City owner Dr Sulaiman Al-Fahim believes only 'formalities' remain before he can rubber-stamp their takeover of the Premier League club.
Al-Farim confirmed that ADUG had also considered investing in City's Premier League rivals Arsenal, Newcastle and Liverpool before deciding to press ahead with a buy-out - thought to be worth around £150million - of the Eastlands outfit.
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RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32
Posted by: "PD Niaga" pdniaga
Mon Sep 1, 2008 9:59 pm (PDT)
Err team cap ayam nak jadi gergasi . Hehehe
Tak tau la kalau robinho boleh bawak cam cantona
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:46 AM
Subject: Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m
Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
By Soccernet staff
Updated: September 2, 2008, 12:26 AM UK
< > Commentconversations/ show/story/ snet-568724
< >news/story? id=568724& sec=england& cc=4716##
< > Printprint?id= 568724&type= story&cc= 4716
Manchester City have completed the British record £32.5million signing of
Robinho with just minutes to go in the transfer window.
< |3.0|605|1181107|adlink 0|170|ADTECH; loc=300;key= eng
land+story+eng1+382+ASIA; kvsection= england;kvpagety pe=story; kvleague= eng1;kv
club=382;kvcc=ASIA;grp= 7464867>
He has signed a four-year contract at the City of Manchester Stadium.
Manager Mark Hughes told the club's official website tonight: 'I am
absolutely delighted to get the opportunity to work with such an incredible
talent like Robinho. I have said that in order to compete with the best
teams in the Premier League we have to be in the market for players of this
calibre, and Robinho is undoubtedly one of the best players in the world.
'I am really looking forward to introducing him to the rest of the squad,
and to the City fans at the earliest opportunity. This is a real statement
of intent as to the ambitions of Manchester City Football Club.
Robinho will be in line to make his City debut against, of all clubs,
Chelsea after the international break.
It follows bids earlier in the day for Dimitar Berbatov, David Villa and
Mario Gomez.
The Brazilian claimed he wanted to move to England at a press conference
yesterday and also criticised Real coach Bernd Schuster for denying him the
chance to move to Chelsea. However, London will not be his next destination.
Sources suggest that Real were determined not to sell the Brazilian forward
to Chelsea but were happy to deal once the Eastlands side moved in.
Chelsea had been tracking the player all summer and will be furious to lose
out to another English club.
Rather than find himself marooned at the Bernabeu until January was prepared
to move to the Premier League with Mark Hughes' side.
Real Madrid's decision to accept City's offer for Robinho was made for both
'sporting and human' reasons, the Spanish club's president Ramon Calderon
has said.
'We have sold Robinho for reasons of a human nature and for sporting
reasons. The fact that he has accepted an offer from Manchester City says
that he is not going for sporting reasons,' Calderon told Spanish television
station Veo.
'It's an important sum of money. It's not the objective of Real Madrid to
sell players, neither do we need the money, but for reasons of human and
sporting nature, it has been decided this is for the best.
'It's a decision agreed by all the coaching staff, who understand it is best
for the player and for the club.
'(Coach Bernd) Schuster thought until yesterday that he could recover the
player, but that has not been the case. Every time I have spoken with him he
was very sad, crying and asking to leave Spain. Real Madrid are more
important than any one player.
'He's a great kid, but badly advised.'
Robinho burst on to the scene as an 18-year-old when he helped Santos win
their first Brazilian championship in 2002.
His trickery, skills and physique led to comparisons with former Santos
great Pele and eventually attracted the attention of Real Madrid.
Robinho pressured Santos for a move to Real and after a lengthy tug-of-war
transfer saga, the Brazilian club relented and agreed to sell the player to
the Spanish giants in August 2005.
Classed as the new Galactico when he arrived at the club, Robinho made a
dazzling debut as a substitute in the 2-1 victory over Cadiz in the opening
game of the season but then went on to struggle for the remainder of his
first campaign in Europe.
He won his first Spanish league title under coach Fabio Capello in 2007, but
often featured as a substitute and only really took off last season when he
helped Real to their second consecutive championship, scoring 11 goals in 32
Robinho is a regular in the Brazilian national side and played an
instrumental role in their triumph in the 2007 Copa America, finishing as
the tournament's top scorer with six goals.
City's fortunes were transformed this morning when Abu Dhabi United Group
announced they had agreed in principal to buy the club from Thaksin
Shinawatra, who will remain on the club's board as a shareholder and
honorary president.
Prospective new Manchester City owner Dr Sulaiman Al-Fahim believes only
'formalities' remain before he can rubber-stamp their takeover of the
Premier League club.
Al-Farim confirmed that ADUG had also considered investing in City's Premier
League rivals Arsenal, Newcastle and Liverpool before deciding to press
ahead with a buy-out - thought to be worth around £150million - of the
Eastlands outfit.
This message may contain confidential and privileged information for its
intended recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, you are
hereby notified that any review, dissemination and distribution, printing or
copying of this message or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Please
delete the entire message and inform the sender of the error. Any opinions,
conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to
official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender
and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB
Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage
caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further,
RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made
to the information or the effect thereto.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.14/1646 - Release Date: 9/1/2008
6:03 PM
- 5c.
RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32
Posted by: "Mohammad Nazri"
Mon Sep 1, 2008 11:32 pm (PDT)
Skrg dah jadik team arab...dulu team tom yam.....ekekekekkekekekeke
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
Err... team cap ayam nak jadi gergasi .... Hehehe
Tak tau la kalau robinho boleh bawak cam cantona
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:46 AM
Subject: Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
By Soccernet staff
Updated: September 2, 2008, 12:26 AM UK
* Comment < >conversations/ show/story/ snet-568724
* Email < >news/story? id=568724& sec=england& cc=4716##
* Print < >print?id= 568724&type= story&cc= 4716
Manchester City have completed the British record £32.5million signing of Robinho with just minutes to go in the transfer window.
< |3.0|605|1181107|adlink 0|170|ADTECH; loc=300;key= england+story+ eng1+382+ ASIA;kvsection= england;kvpagety pe=story; kvleague= eng1;kvclub= 382;kvcc= ASIA;grp= 7464867>
He has signed a four-year contract at the City of Manchester Stadium.
Manager Mark Hughes told the club's official website tonight: 'I am absolutely delighted to get the opportunity to work with such an incredible talent like Robinho. I have said that in order to compete with the best teams in the Premier League we have to be in the market for players of this calibre, and Robinho is undoubtedly one of the best players in the world.
'I am really looking forward to introducing him to the rest of the squad, and to the City fans at the earliest opportunity. This is a real statement of intent as to the ambitions of Manchester City Football Club.
Robinho will be in line to make his City debut against, of all clubs, Chelsea after the international break.
It follows bids earlier in the day for Dimitar Berbatov, David Villa and Mario Gomez.
The Brazilian claimed he wanted to move to England at a press conference yesterday and also criticised Real coach Bernd Schuster for denying him the chance to move to Chelsea. However, London will not be his next destination.
Sources suggest that Real were determined not to sell the Brazilian forward to Chelsea but were happy to deal once the Eastlands side moved in.
Chelsea had been tracking the player all summer and will be furious to lose out to another English club.
Rather than find himself marooned at the Bernabeu until January was prepared to move to the Premier League with Mark Hughes' side.
Real Madrid's decision to accept City's offer for Robinho was made for both 'sporting and human' reasons, the Spanish club's president Ramon Calderon has said.
'We have sold Robinho for reasons of a human nature and for sporting reasons. The fact that he has accepted an offer from Manchester City says that he is not going for sporting reasons,' Calderon told Spanish television station Veo.
'It's an important sum of money. It's not the objective of Real Madrid to sell players, neither do we need the money, but for reasons of human and sporting nature, it has been decided this is for the best.
'It's a decision agreed by all the coaching staff, who understand it is best for the player and for the club.
'(Coach Bernd) Schuster thought until yesterday that he could recover the player, but that has not been the case. Every time I have spoken with him he was very sad, crying and asking to leave Spain. Real Madrid are more important than any one player.
'He's a great kid, but badly advised.'
Robinho burst on to the scene as an 18-year-old when he helped Santos win their first Brazilian championship in 2002.
His trickery, skills and physique led to comparisons with former Santos great Pele and eventually attracted the attention of Real Madrid.
Robinho pressured Santos for a move to Real and after a lengthy tug-of-war transfer saga, the Brazilian club relented and agreed to sell the player to the Spanish giants in August 2005.
Classed as the new Galactico when he arrived at the club, Robinho made a dazzling debut as a substitute in the 2-1 victory over Cadiz in the opening game of the season but then went on to struggle for the remainder of his first campaign in Europe.
He won his first Spanish league title under coach Fabio Capello in 2007, but often featured as a substitute and only really took off last season when he helped Real to their second consecutive championship, scoring 11 goals in 32 outings.
Robinho is a regular in the Brazilian national side and played an instrumental role in their triumph in the 2007 Copa America, finishing as the tournament's top scorer with six goals.
City's fortunes were transformed this morning when Abu Dhabi United Group announced they had agreed in principal to buy the club from Thaksin Shinawatra, who will remain on the club's board as a shareholder and honorary president.
Prospective new Manchester City owner Dr Sulaiman Al-Fahim believes only 'formalities' remain before he can rubber-stamp their takeover of the Premier League club.
Al-Farim confirmed that ADUG had also considered investing in City's Premier League rivals Arsenal, Newcastle and Liverpool before deciding to press ahead with a buy-out - thought to be worth around £150million - of the Eastlands outfit.
This message may contain confidential and privileged information for its intended recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination and distribution, printing or copying of this message or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Please delete the entire message and inform the sender of the error. Any opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further, RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made to the information or the effect thereto.
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This message may contain confidential and privileged information for its intended recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination and distribution, printing or copying of this message or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Please delete the entire message and inform the sender of the error. Any opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further, RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made to the information or the effect thereto. - 5d.
RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32
Posted by: "PD Niaga" pdniaga
Tue Sep 2, 2008 12:08 am (PDT)
Takper kutuk man city ni
Bukan ader penyokong pon
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:20 PM
Subject: RE: Man City sign Robinho in record
£32.5m deal
Skrg dah jadik team arab dulu team tom yam ..ekekekekkekekekeke
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: Man City sign Robinho in record
£32.5m deal
Err team cap ayam nak jadi gergasi . Hehehe
Tak tau la kalau robinho boleh bawak cam cantona
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:46 AM
Subject: Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m
Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
By Soccernet staff
Updated: September 2, 2008, 12:26 AM UK
< > Commentconversations/ show/story/ snet-568724
< >news/story? id=568724& sec=england& cc=4716##
< > Printprint?id= 568724&type= story&cc= 4716
Manchester City have completed the British record £32.5million signing of
Robinho with just minutes to go in the transfer window.
< |3.0|605|1181107|adlink 0|170|ADTECH; loc=300;key= eng
land+story+eng1+382+ASIA; kvsection= england;kvpagety pe=story; kvleague= eng1;kv
club=382;kvcc=ASIA;grp= 7464867>
He has signed a four-year contract at the City of Manchester Stadium.
Manager Mark Hughes told the club's official website tonight: 'I am
absolutely delighted to get the opportunity to work with such an incredible
talent like Robinho. I have said that in order to compete with the best
teams in the Premier League we have to be in the market for players of this
calibre, and Robinho is undoubtedly one of the best players in the world.
'I am really looking forward to introducing him to the rest of the squad,
and to the City fans at the earliest opportunity. This is a real statement
of intent as to the ambitions of Manchester City Football Club.
Robinho will be in line to make his City debut against, of all clubs,
Chelsea after the international break.
It follows bids earlier in the day for Dimitar Berbatov, David Villa and
Mario Gomez.
The Brazilian claimed he wanted to move to England at a press conference
yesterday and also criticised Real coach Bernd Schuster for denying him the
chance to move to Chelsea. However, London will not be his next destination.
Sources suggest that Real were determined not to sell the Brazilian forward
to Chelsea but were happy to deal once the Eastlands side moved in.
Chelsea had been tracking the player all summer and will be furious to lose
out to another English club.
Rather than find himself marooned at the Bernabeu until January was prepared
to move to the Premier League with Mark Hughes' side.
Real Madrid's decision to accept City's offer for Robinho was made for both
'sporting and human' reasons, the Spanish club's president Ramon Calderon
has said.
'We have sold Robinho for reasons of a human nature and for sporting
reasons. The fact that he has accepted an offer from Manchester City says
that he is not going for sporting reasons,' Calderon told Spanish television
station Veo.
'It's an important sum of money. It's not the objective of Real Madrid to
sell players, neither do we need the money, but for reasons of human and
sporting nature, it has been decided this is for the best.
'It's a decision agreed by all the coaching staff, who understand it is best
for the player and for the club.
'(Coach Bernd) Schuster thought until yesterday that he could recover the
player, but that has not been the case. Every time I have spoken with him he
was very sad, crying and asking to leave Spain. Real Madrid are more
important than any one player.
'He's a great kid, but badly advised.'
Robinho burst on to the scene as an 18-year-old when he helped Santos win
their first Brazilian championship in 2002.
His trickery, skills and physique led to comparisons with former Santos
great Pele and eventually attracted the attention of Real Madrid.
Robinho pressured Santos for a move to Real and after a lengthy tug-of-war
transfer saga, the Brazilian club relented and agreed to sell the player to
the Spanish giants in August 2005.
Classed as the new Galactico when he arrived at the club, Robinho made a
dazzling debut as a substitute in the 2-1 victory over Cadiz in the opening
game of the season but then went on to struggle for the remainder of his
first campaign in Europe.
He won his first Spanish league title under coach Fabio Capello in 2007, but
often featured as a substitute and only really took off last season when he
helped Real to their second consecutive championship, scoring 11 goals in 32
Robinho is a regular in the Brazilian national side and played an
instrumental role in their triumph in the 2007 Copa America, finishing as
the tournament's top scorer with six goals.
City's fortunes were transformed this morning when Abu Dhabi United Group
announced they had agreed in principal to buy the club from Thaksin
Shinawatra, who will remain on the club's board as a shareholder and
honorary president.
Prospective new Manchester City owner Dr Sulaiman Al-Fahim believes only
'formalities' remain before he can rubber-stamp their takeover of the
Premier League club.
Al-Farim confirmed that ADUG had also considered investing in City's Premier
League rivals Arsenal, Newcastle and Liverpool before deciding to press
ahead with a buy-out - thought to be worth around £150million - of the
Eastlands outfit.
This message may contain confidential and privileged information for its
intended recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, you are
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copying of this message or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Please
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conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to
official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender
and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB
Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage
caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further,
RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made
to the information or the effect thereto.
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Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.14/1646 - Release Date: 9/1/2008
6:03 PM
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conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to
official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender
and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB
Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage
caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further,
RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made
to the information or the effect thereto.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.14/1646 - Release Date: 9/1/2008
6:03 PM
- 5e.
RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32
Posted by: "Mohd Hafiz Abd Razak"
Tue Sep 2, 2008 12:16 am (PDT)
Robinho ni aku rasa tak sampai setengah musim dah nak blah dari MC ...batu loncatan aje nak blah dari RM ....
From: [ ] On Behalf Of PD Niaga
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:08 PM
Subject: RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
Takper kutuk man city ni
Bukan ader penyokong pon
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:20 PM
Subject: RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
Skrg dah jadik team arab...dulu team tom yam.....ekekekekkekekekeke
_____________________ _________ __
From: [ ] On Behalf Of PD Niaga
Sent: 02 September 2008 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
Err... team cap ayam nak jadi gergasi .... Hehehe
Tak tau la kalau robinho boleh bawak cam cantona
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mohammad Nazri
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:46 AM
Subject: Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
Man City sign Robinho in record £32.5m deal
By Soccernet staff
Updated: September 2, 2008, 12:26 AM UK
· Comment < >conversations/ show/story/ snet-568724
· Email < >news/story? id=568724& sec=england& cc=4716##
· Print < >print?id= 568724&type= story&cc= 4716
Manchester City have completed the British record £32.5million signing of Robinho with just minutes to go in the transfer window.
< |3.0|605|1181107|adlink 0|170|ADTECH; loc=300;key= england+story+ eng1+382+ ASIA;kvsection= england;kvpagety pe=story; kvleague= eng1;kvclub= 382;kvcc= ASIA;grp= 7464867>
He has signed a four-year contract at the City of Manchester Stadium.
Manager Mark Hughes told the club's official website tonight: 'I am absolutely delighted to get the opportunity to work with such an incredible talent like Robinho. I have said that in order to compete with the best teams in the Premier League we have to be in the market for players of this calibre, and Robinho is undoubtedly one of the best players in the world.
'I am really looking forward to introducing him to the rest of the squad, and to the City fans at the earliest opportunity. This is a real statement of intent as to the ambitions of Manchester City Football Club.
Robinho will be in line to make his City debut against, of all clubs, Chelsea after the international break.
It follows bids earlier in the day for Dimitar Berbatov, David Villa and Mario Gomez.
The Brazilian claimed he wanted to move to England at a press conference yesterday and also criticised Real coach Bernd Schuster for denying him the chance to move to Chelsea. However, London will not be his next destination.
Sources suggest that Real were determined not to sell the Brazilian forward to Chelsea but were happy to deal once the Eastlands side moved in.
Chelsea had been tracking the player all summer and will be furious to lose out to another English club.
Rather than find himself marooned at the Bernabeu until January was prepared to move to the Premier League with Mark Hughes' side.
Real Madrid's decision to accept City's offer for Robinho was made for both 'sporting and human' reasons, the Spanish club's president Ramon Calderon has said.
'We have sold Robinho for reasons of a human nature and for sporting reasons. The fact that he has accepted an offer from Manchester City says that he is not going for sporting reasons,' Calderon told Spanish television station Veo.
'It's an important sum of money. It's not the objective of Real Madrid to sell players, neither do we need the money, but for reasons of human and sporting nature, it has been decided this is for the best.
'It's a decision agreed by all the coaching staff, who understand it is best for the player and for the club.
'(Coach Bernd) Schuster thought until yesterday that he could recover the player, but that has not been the case. Every time I have spoken with him he was very sad, crying and asking to leave Spain. Real Madrid are more important than any one player.
'He's a great kid, but badly advised.'
Robinho burst on to the scene as an 18-year-old when he helped Santos win their first Brazilian championship in 2002.
His trickery, skills and physique led to comparisons with former Santos great Pele and eventually attracted the attention of Real Madrid.
Robinho pressured Santos for a move to Real and after a lengthy tug-of-war transfer saga, the Brazilian club relented and agreed to sell the player to the Spanish giants in August 2005.
Classed as the new Galactico when he arrived at the club, Robinho made a dazzling debut as a substitute in the 2-1 victory over Cadiz in the opening game of the season but then went on to struggle for the remainder of his first campaign in Europe.
He won his first Spanish league title under coach Fabio Capello in 2007, but often featured as a substitute and only really took off last season when he helped Real to their second consecutive championship, scoring 11 goals in 32 outings.
Robinho is a regular in the Brazilian national side and played an instrumental role in their triumph in the 2007 Copa America, finishing as the tournament's top scorer with six goals.
City's fortunes were transformed this morning when Abu Dhabi United Group announced they had agreed in principal to buy the club from Thaksin Shinawatra, who will remain on the club's board as a shareholder and honorary president.
Prospective new Manchester City owner Dr Sulaiman Al-Fahim believes only 'formalities' remain before he can rubber-stamp their takeover of the Premier League club.
Al-Farim confirmed that ADUG had also considered investing in City's Premier League rivals Arsenal, Newcastle and Liverpool before deciding to press ahead with a buy-out - thought to be worth around £150million - of the Eastlands outfit.
This message may contain confidential and privileged information for its intended recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination and distribution, printing or copying of this message or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Please delete the entire message and inform the sender of the error. Any opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that are unrelated to official business of RHB Banking Group are those of the individual sender and shall be understood as neither explicitly given nor endorsed by RHB Banking Group. RHB Banking Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by viruses transmitted by this e-mail or its attachments. Further, RHB Banking Group is also not responsible for any unauthorised changes made to the information or the effect thereto.
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